life is actually a tale comprising of the ppl who let u down during the various stages of ur life!
there are no possible methods to move on from pain....
there are only new faces and new reasons to feel pain!!
the moment u let ur guards down fr an individual.....
they take great pride in hurting u.....
they get into ur life assuring happiness...
finding all the possible loopholes ur emotions may portray!
every emotion of love that u experience for a person.....
is like an unopened present!
u nvr know whts behind that lovely wrap!
the more u unveil it....the more u get distured...
for even if its nothing like wht u gifted.....widout expecting nething in return....
It was sumthing ud expect to c the least!!
i donno why is it such a recurring incidence....
as if each time u learn....ur made to realise, uve left out another chapter!
however small a thing may it b that u expect frm another....
disappointment is wht ud meet wid!
irrespective of the kind of person u r....
irrespective of wht u give out!
the biggest mistake a person can ever to luv sumbody more....
for they get more chances to hurt u n to make u bleed wid the bluntest of knives!
one doesnt req to be good in conveying their feelings....
for the other person, is blissfully deaf.....n blind!
ud always b blamed to be inconsiderate.....
ull always b the person who creates the scene!
i really wish there was a way to feel less pain....
a way where we dont let ppl just enter our heart n squeeze it!!
for it just doesnt feel fair....
that in such a short life span.....a heart has to go thru all this pain!!
there are no possible methods to move on from pain....
there are only new faces and new reasons to feel pain!!
the moment u let ur guards down fr an individual.....
they take great pride in hurting u.....
they get into ur life assuring happiness...
finding all the possible loopholes ur emotions may portray!
every emotion of love that u experience for a person.....
is like an unopened present!
u nvr know whts behind that lovely wrap!
the more u unveil it....the more u get distured...
for even if its nothing like wht u gifted.....widout expecting nething in return....
It was sumthing ud expect to c the least!!
i donno why is it such a recurring incidence....
as if each time u learn....ur made to realise, uve left out another chapter!
however small a thing may it b that u expect frm another....
disappointment is wht ud meet wid!
irrespective of the kind of person u r....
irrespective of wht u give out!
the biggest mistake a person can ever to luv sumbody more....
for they get more chances to hurt u n to make u bleed wid the bluntest of knives!
one doesnt req to be good in conveying their feelings....
for the other person, is blissfully deaf.....n blind!
ud always b blamed to be inconsiderate.....
ull always b the person who creates the scene!
i really wish there was a way to feel less pain....
a way where we dont let ppl just enter our heart n squeeze it!!
for it just doesnt feel fair....
that in such a short life span.....a heart has to go thru all this pain!!
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