Thursday, July 18, 2024

Are we really responsible for our life's course?

 We all are taught, our life is a sum of our decisions.

So have we really taken such wrong decisions that we are kept away from feeling special, feeling loved and feeling wanted from someone?

We agree to make someone a part of our worlds just to know, we are a footnote, a filler!

I was taught to be emphatic, to be understanding, giving... 

As if unworthy of receiving.. 

Today, im a tired soul who still feels hopeless inside for the love she yearns... 

I put up a brave face each day as if Im the happiest, but this void inside me doesnt fill!

They say, be hopeful, imagine that wonderful life.. It shall come true... After waiting more than a decade, I dont seem to believe in that hope or feel that possibility..

We believe when we see the change, feel the change, not that oppurtune impulse!

Lifes new name, is Duty.. Responsibility

I wonder what happened to the fact that i too, am someones responsibilty!!!